I have been working on Android since last couple of years and its really amazing to watch how SDK takes care of few brilliant stuff, like XML based resource mapping, Delvik class generator (.dex or .odex file). So, thought lets explore internals of APK file structured and create a APK parser . Somehow any Hex Dump fascinates me enough to explore its real meaning, crazy? this is how it is :-) I did google and found few solutions which require Android SDK AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool) to decode APK resource. So, I thought to create an alternate parser (independent of Android SDK) which developer community can use to extract content of APK. Android APK is a zip file, any ZIP parser/program can parse and extract its content. But this is the easy part, the tricky part is to convert resource files stored inside the APK (i.e. Manifest, Layouts, String.xml etc.) to plain text and convert Dex/ODex file to readable JAR. To speedup the run time processing of these resource files, AAPT e
For last few years I was so much involved into building my Startup that I didn't realize my health is getting stretched and compromised . As you all know, running Startup is one of the toughest thing in the world and it demands a lot. In fact irrespective of your profession, busy professional life adds huge toll on our health. Unless you are careful, you'll not even realize that lifestyle balance is broken with excessive stress, irregular eating habit, junk foods, overeating and what not. Health is our biggest asset and as you grow older you realize it better. We can't change paste but we can very much control our future. So, decided enough is enough and lets loss excess weight, improve diets and Be Healthy! Thought to share this journey and learning to help others who may face similar challenges. I have crafted below method following multiple Blogs, Youtube channels (and adjusted as per my lifestyle feasibility) . I was 86+ KG when I started and reduced 7 KG in a month!