I have written a small add-on for inbuilt JSON Lib of Android ( org.json.* ). Android's in-build JSON library is very permeative and provides just the basic functionalities. There is no Tokenize functionality which can automatically convert a JSON string into its relevant Java Bean class. Though there are few alternate open source libraries like jackson-json , gson etc. But the inbuilt JSON library of Android is pretty simple to use and with this add-on you'll be able to get the missing flavor of auto-bean conversion. How to use it ? Please download the JSONHandler.java and include in your Android project source code. It provides an important method parse() which can convert a JSON string into Java Bean class. It uses Java re-factoring, so Bean class field name and JSON property name should exactly match. Let's look into how to parse a simple JSON structure- String jsonString = "{name: 'Jon Smith', id: 1234, " + "address: {cityName