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Showing posts from August, 2011

What WebView can do in Android ?

Well, the answer is, WebView can help to create wonderful Mobile UI without the pain of Android's Layouts. Sometime simple is not that simple! Before even I know about WebView, to me Android's XML based UI option was the simplest in the world. But Android can go beyond that....It provides the amazing WebView which lets you to develop UI in World's most simple language i.e. HTML/JavaScript. So, simple can be that simple ..what do you think :-) As I'll move on and start describing more about WebView, probably few questions already started hovering.... How do I call my Android Activity or Java classes from my WebView ? or How do I call a JavaScript method from my Android Activity ? These are valid questions and answer is, both of them are possible with WebView and I'll explain both of them. So, its cool right!! WebView is the same programming construct which runs behind Android's browser. So " ideally " you can run everything on WebView which you