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Showing posts from January, 2012

Android Fragment

Fragment is being hanging out since Andriod 3.0, but with the release of 4.0, it has become an obvious choice for Android Application development for both Tabs and Smart phones. Few people think, fragment is a " Superman " which can add any kind of UI layout/style/decoration. But that is not true, rather than being an UI layout or decoration enhancer, Fragment is a very important concept to manage segments of your UI component code base . Prior to Fragment, developers were able manage UI flow only at the Activity level. All UI components were Views (mentioned in XML layout and part of Activity) and there was no way to manage these components separately. As a result all view management code were in a single file i.e. Activity class. With fragment approach, we can now remove View management code from Activity and place them in their respective Java classes. So, a pretty neat approach for code management. Here I'll explain various concepts of Fragment with an example appli