TWiki is a Perl based structured Wiki application which can be used as team portal to share documents, presentations, blogs and many more within an organization. Thus it acts as a complete knowledge base. I did the setup for my team (on a Ubuntu Linux Server) and thought probably I should share the installation process, so that more and more people can easily get the benefit from this application- Installation Steps- Install Apache Web Server: (httpd-2.2.15.tar.bz2)- Make sure Perl (v5.10.0) is installed. Download Twiki- (TWiki-4.3.1.tgz)- Decompress using user account (not root), the uncompressed files automatically takes the access permission of the user account which uncompressed it. Place it inside of htdocs i.e. WEB_ROOT folder of Apache Installation e.g. for my setup I placed twiki inside of- /home/ppr...