TWiki is a Perl based structured Wiki application which can be used as team portal to share documents, presentations, blogs and many more within an organization. Thus it acts as a complete knowledge base. I did the setup for my team (on a Ubuntu Linux Server) and thought probably I should share the installation process, so that more and more people can easily get the benefit from this application-
Installation Steps-
- Install Apache Web Server: (httpd-2.2.15.tar.bz2)-
- Make sure Perl (v5.10.0) is installed.
- Download Twiki- (TWiki-4.3.1.tgz)-
Decompress using user account (not root), the uncompressed files automatically takes the access permission of the user account which uncompressed it. Place it inside of htdocs i.e. WEB_ROOT folder of Apache Installation e.g. for my setup I placed twiki inside of- /home/pprasanta/apache/htdocs/
- Configure TWiki, you can follow these tutorials
- Give writable permission to “data”, “lib” and “working”. (chmod 777).
- Rename 2 existing sample configuration files- twiki_httpd_conf.txt to twiki_httpd.conf (in main folder of /twiki) and LocalLib.cfg.txt to LocalLib.cfg (you can find it in /twiki/bin)
- Define twiki lib path in LocalLib.cfg-
$twikiLibPath = "/home/pprasanta/apache/htdocs/twiki/lib";
- Update twiki_httpd.conf with the correct absolute (not relative) path of different twiki directories e.g. for my setup, lib path is /home/pprasanta/apache/htdocs/twiki/lib
- Update twiki_httpd.conf : Give access only to your IP address to access Configuration section i.e. /bin/configure. This is important as you don’t want unwanted person to change your configuration.
SetHandler cgi-script
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from YOUR_IP
Require user JohnDoe
Satisfy Any
- Link the twiki_httpd.conf into http.conf
# TWiki
Include /home/pprasanta/apache/htdocs/twiki/twiki_httpd.conf
- Restart Apache and access the configuration page: http://
/twiki/bin/configure - When you are doing the configuration for the first time i.e. you are accessing- http://
/twiki/bin/configure First time configuration will create- LocalSite.cfg which will store all configuration information of TWiki. /home/pprasanta/apache/htdocs/twiki/lib/LocalSite.cfg - While configurations, for “Store Settings”, use RcsLite (this is the revision control system, which TWiki uses to manage document versions).
- If everything goes fine, start using TWiki- http://
/twiki/bin/view - IMPORTANT: You need to setup Email Notification setting with you SMTP HOST details. TWiki registration will not work without successful Email Notification setup.
- Configuration file /home/pprasanta/apache/htdocs/twiki/lib/LocalSite.cfg does not exist. For first time configuration, this error will come as there is no LocalSite.cfg file in your TWiki installation and it will create a new one. Make sure you have already followed step-4 i.e. already given access rights to mentioned directories.
- IMPORTANT: If you face problem like Can't locate Unicode/ this means your PERL installation doesn’t have Unicode/ file installed. Run following command as “Root” user to install Unicode/ module- (Depending upon the user account permission, if you run the following command from any other user account doesn’t have sufficient permission, will result in failed setup)
# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Unicode::String'
hmmm acha hai!!!!